Lombard Odier is a global wealth and asset manager with a strong focus on sustainable investing.
For over 225 years and through more than 40 financial crises, the Group has aligned itself with the long-term interests of private and institutional clients.
As an investment house, Lombard Odier provides a comprehensive offering of discretionary and advisory portfolio management, wealth services and custody. Asset management services and investment strategies are offered via Lombard Odier Investment Managers (LOIM), which is organised around three pillars of core management, alternative management and sustainable investment. The Group has created cutting-edge banking technology, which is also leveraged by other Swiss and European-based private banks and financial institutions.
Structured as an independent partnership, the Group is solely owned by its Managing Partners who make all decisions unanimously, a governance model that allows the Bank to remain completely client-focussed at the highest level in the organisation.
Lombard Odier is one of the world’s best-capitalised banking groups with a highly liquid balance sheet. Since its creation in 1796, it has stayed true to its primary mission: to preserve and grow its clients’ wealth.

Banque Lombard Odier & Cie SA
11, rue de la Corraterie
CH - 1204 Geneva
Managing Partners
Hubert Keller
Frédéric Rochat
Denis Pittet
Jean-Pascal Porcherot
Alexandre Meyer
Xavier Bonna
Banque Lombard Odier & Cie SA
Bureau de Fribourg
3, rue de la Banque
CH – 1700 Fribourg